Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Long Term Management of Client Diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer Essay Example

Long haul Management of Client Diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer Essay Long haul the board of customer determined to have Colorectal Cancer is a main source of death worldwide and one of the four driving dangers to human wellbeing and improvement alongside cardiovascular infections, interminable respiratory ailments and diabetes (WHO, 2011). It is evaluated that malignancy represented 13% of all passings worldwide in 2008, of which colorectal disease alongside lung and bosom tumors added to 45% of world’s all out malignancy mortality (Ferlay, et al. , 2010). Malignancy keeps on being a main source of mortality and grimness in New Zealand representing 33% all things considered (MOH, 2012). Colorectal malignant growth influences both Maori and non Maori populaces in New Zealand and the rate rank among the most noteworthy around the world (Shah et al, 2011). The personality of the customer for this situation study is ensured under the Privacy Act (1993). He will, from this point forward, be known as Mr. S. The understudy in this task will investigate the given contextual analysis (Appendix. An) and examine the pathophysiology of colorectal malignancy alongside the understanding of the data given (Appendix. A). A suitable arrangement of care for Mr. S determined to have colorectal malignant growth experiencing chemotherapy and the job of attendants in the administration of individuals long haul conditions are additionally talked about in this task. Foundation: Mr. S is a multi year elderly person determined to have colorectal malignant growth experiencing his second course of chemotherapy in the outpatient center. He introduced to the clinic with stamped changes in his entrail propensity with brilliant red blood per rectum and squeezing stomach torment in November, 2012. After point by point examination, he has been determined to have stage for colon malignancy with stomach and liver metastasis. We will compose a custom article test on Long Term Management of Client Diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on Long Term Management of Client Diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom exposition test on Long Term Management of Client Diagnosed with Colorectal Cancer explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer He experienced gut resection in December, 2012 bringing about colostomy. His current concern incorporates stomach uneasiness, incessant exhaustion, shortcoming, poor craving, upset rest and heart consume. His exhibition status is intensifying and he needs help with his exercises of day by day living. He is a known hypertensive with family ancestry of malignancy and myocardial dead tissue. He is a non smoker and a non liquor consumer with an exceptionally strong family (Appendix. A). The creator (Appendix. A) gave the contextual analysis adequate realities for arranging a cooperative consideration plan for Mr. S. Sufficient data has been given in regards to the introducing issues of the customer alongside ongoing examinations and current drugs. The creator incorporated the applicable family ancestry just as the past clinical history of the customer important to design a proper consideration for Mr. S. Be that as it may, the creator hasn’t gave any data in regards to the otherworldly soundness of Mr. S. Otherworldliness and religion can be imperative to the prosperity of individuals with malignant growth, which empower them to adapt to the sickness in a superior manner (National Comprehensive Cancer Network, 2013). Information with respect to the sexual existence of Mr. S would have been pertinent on the grounds that examination shows that, proceeding with sexual relationship is one of the significant worries for customers with colostomies and huge others ( Black, 1993). It is obvious from the data given (Appendix. A) that, Mr. S has a propelled phase of colorectal malignant growth. In this manner, Information on cutting edge order of Mr. S would have been useful in light of the fact that best in class order is a procedure of conversation and shared getting ready for future medicinal services. It is centered around the individual and includes the individual, family/whanau and the human services experts answerable for their consideration according to the persons’ wish (MOH, 2011). So as to build up a cooperative arrangement of care, a comprehension of the pathophysiology of the introducing case is required. Colorectal Cancer. Malignancy is a developing wellbeing worry in New Zealand and colorectal disease is the second most normal malignancy enrolled for the two people in New Zealand (MOH, 2012). Colorectal disease (CRC), regularly known as colon malignancy or entrail disease is a threatening tumor emerging from the internal dividers of digestive organ because of the uncontrolled development of cells in the colon or rectum. The reasons for colorectal disease are mind boggling yet are normally a blend of acquired and ecological components. Most colorectal malignant growth happens because of way of life and expanding age with just a minority of cases related with fundamental hereditary issue (Black, 1993; Nugent, 2012; Waitemata District Health Board, 2006). Elements that expansion a person’s danger of colorectal malignant growth incorporates propelling age, family ancestry of colorectal malignant growth and polyps, the nearness of polyps in the internal organ, incendiary gut infections, basically interminable ulcerative colitis and high fat admission ( Nugent, 2012). Mr. S is multi year old and had solid family ancestry of malignant growth. Aside from this he hasn’t got some other hazard factors for colon disease. He is a known hypertensive and had family ancestry of hypertension and myocardial dead tissue which builds his hazard for cardiovascular illnesses (Appendix. A). Pathophysiology: Structurally the digestive organ is a long cylinder contained four layers. The internal mucosal layer through which the undigested food voyages, appended to the slender second layer, called the submucosa. The sub mucosal layer itself connected to a layer of muscle, the muscularis. The whole cylinder is encircled by stringy tissue called serosa. The most well-known tumors of the digestive organ (adenocarcinoma) emerge from the inward mucosal layer. These cells are presented to poisons from food and microscopic organisms alongside mechanical mileage and are continually ceasing to exist and being supplanted. Disease of colon and rectum happens when the procedure of this typical substitution of coating cells leaves (Nugent, 2012). For reasons that are ineffectively comprehended, these cells start to partition and develop freely, prompting the uncontrolled multiplication of strange cells. As these strange cells develop and isolate, they can prompt developments inside the olon called polyps. Polyps are precancerous tumors that develop gradually over years and don't spread. Extra hereditary transformation of these polyps further destabilizes the cells and attacks different layers of internal organ and gets dangerous (Black, 1993; Nugent, 2012). When shaped, the colorectal malignant growth develops in two different ways. First the malignant growth can develop locally by attacking the neighboring structures, making the mass called the essential tumor which is more diligently to expel. Neighborhood augmentation prompts manifestations, for example, agony or totality, including blockages of the colon and close by structures. Second the malignant growth starts the procedure of metastasis by shedding various cells daily into the circulation system and lymphatic framework that can make diseases structure in particular areas. Colorectal malignancies most ordinarily spread first to the neighborhood lymph hubs. When neighborhood lymph hubs are included, spread to the liver, the stomach hole, and the lung are the following most regular goals of metastatic spread (Black, 1993; Nugent, 2012; Waitemata District Health Board, 2006). It is obvious from the data given that, (Appendix. A) Mr. S has stomach and liver metastasis and the neighborhood lymph hubs are additionally included. Manifestations of colorectal disease. Manifestations of colorectal disease are various and frequently asymptomatic. Contingent upon the area, size and kind of malignant growth suggestive introduction may show a generally advance tumor. The manifestations of colorectal malignancy are frequently because of the development of the tumor into the lumen of the digestive system or contiguous structures (American Cancer Society, 2012; Black, 1993). Right sided sores are bigger and cause iron inadequacy pallor because of the moderate loss of blood over an extensive stretch of time and causes exhaustion, shortcoming, and brevity of breath. Diseases of the left colon are bound to cause incomplete or complete gut deterrent, bringing about obstruction, looseness of the bowels, limited stool, stomach agony, squeezes and swelling. Brilliant red blood in the stool may likewise show sores of the lower colon or in the rectum (Black, 1993; Nugent, 2012). Mr. S gave stamped changes in his gut propensity with splendid red blood per rectum alongside sharp squeezing stomach torment, characteristic of injuries in the lower colon or in rectum (Appendix. A). What tests should be possible to distinguish colon malignant growth? Indicative tests are frequently performed when an individual displays the signs and manifestations of colorectal malignant growth or research facility examines propose a disease might be available. A total blood tally (CBC) is a standard indicative test that decides the measure of red and white platelets in the blood and assists with deciding if the patient has a disease or pallor (American Cancer Society, 2012; Black, 1993; Nugent, 2012). Pallor can be an indication of malignancy and is regularly a symptom of chemotherapy. Barium bowel purge x-beam or colonoscopy is likewise performed to affirm the determination and find the malignancy. A barium bowel purge includes x-beam imaging of the colon and the rectum after the patient is given a douche containing barium. The barium diagrams the digestive organ and the tumors and different variations from the norm show up as dull shadows on x-beams (Nugent, 2012). Colonoscopy is a system where a long, adaptable survey tube is embedded into the rectum to assess within the whole colon. On the off chance that colon polyps are discovered, they are normally evacuated through the colonoscope which forestalls the future advancement of colon disease from th

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Preference for Homeschooling over Traditional Schooling Essays

Inclination for Homeschooling over Traditional Schooling Essays Inclination for Homeschooling over Traditional Schooling Essay Inclination for Homeschooling over Traditional Schooling Essay Article Topic: Fun Home Unit 7 Assignment: â€Å"The Preference for Homeschooling over Traditional Schooling† Kaplan University Preference for self-teaching over customary tutoring Traditional instruction has been around for quite a long time. The causes can be followed back to the 1600’s during the hour of the Puritans and people who were alluded to as â€Å"Congressionalist’s. † Even after usage of this instructive framework, kids were all the while being educated at home by their folks despite the fact that it was anything but a legitimately allowed activity in various areas. As the years progressed, the customary educational system has experienced numerous changes; conceivably one of the most observable adjustments is the inclination of guardians to return to their choice to instruct their kids at home rather than â€Å"forcing† them to go to open offices. Guardians are progressively getting increasingly mindful of the numerous advantages this kind of training can offer to their youngsters, however to themselves. Self-teaching is more compelling than conventional tutoring in light of the fact that it permits guardians to structure a particularized educational program for their youngster/kids, lessens the social weights of the customary school condition and gives the comfort of timetable adaptability for parent and kid the same. The expanding number of guardians who are deciding to instruct their kids at home is because of various variables. The accompanying reasons have additionally added to the heightening level of kids who are accepting their trainings at home. Self-teaching is currently lawful in every one of the fifty states and in any event thirty-seven states have express self-teaching rules. Second, in the course of recent years the web has given the way to make self-teaching systems, disperse curricular materials, and offer legitimate counsel. Besides, with its developing fame has come standard worthiness; this thusly has made self-teaching yet increasingly mainstream (Reich, 2002). Before, when guardians settled on the choice to instruct their kids at home, they were met with obstruction by the administrative and state governments, yet relatives and companions couldn't comprehend why they would deny their youngsters the capacity to learn in a situation wherein they could cooperate with their friends; a domain with uniquely prepared instructors who might have the option to have any kind of effect in their lives. By and by, notwithstanding; it has become more clear with respect to why guardians settle on the choice to show their youngsters at home and this has offered ascend to the longing for additional guardians and parental figures to pick self-teaching over customary tutoring. Authorities in the field of instruction keep on discussing the potential ruins and advantages of self-teaching versus customary tutoring. There are various conclusions in regards to whether guardians have what it takes important to instruct their youngsters appropriately at home and if this kind of training is suitable groundwork for their kids to become beneficial and effective citizenry. Likewise with any point as significant as training, there are the individuals who will won't think about the two sides of the discussion; this is the point at which it gets important to give relevant data of the advantages of self-teaching over customary tutoring. One of the most ordinarily refered to reasons guardians give for their decision to teach their kids at home is their capacity to plan their educational program to meet the particular needs of their kid/kids. In this sense; â€Å"special needs† doesn't really allude just to kids with handicaps. Extraordinary necessities youngsters can incorporate the individuals who have extraordinarily high IQ’s, the individuals who do very well in a specific subjects, for example, math or science, kids with ADHD or the individuals who do have specific physical and additionally mental hindrances, and so forth. When instructed at home, these youngsters are less hesitant about their disparities; they are increasingly equipped for concentrating on the material since they are less stressed over being ridiculed by their friends. It has likewise been found that kids who do battle with learning handicaps or have uncommon requirements advantage from multiple points of view from self-teaching; â€Å"Research now demonstrates that the house is by a wide margin the best circumstance for most extraordinary kids, so HSLDA energetically suggests self-teaching any kid with a learning inability or exceptional need† (Wright, 2006). Also, guardians are progressively equipped for showing their youngsters as per the child’s own specific style of learning. In the customary tutoring condition, it isn't just hard for instructors to pinpoint each student’s style, it is about difficult to at the same time utilize the various strategies important for them to learn specific topic. Guardians who self-teach, can appropriately recognize their child’s style of learning and join specific instructing techniques to suit each style separately. For example, if a youngster learns in an inesthetic way, the parent would utilize the utilization of hands-on learning helps to empower the kid to contact and feel the data, though a kid, who learns best with the utilization of sound-related upgrades, would profit by the utilization of recorded exercises or melodic learning instruments. Another regular explanation guardians favor self-teaching over conventional tutoring is the decrease or complete disposal of social powers which may make their kids experience individual and enthusiastic issues, for example, low confidence and hesitance. Youngsters who are redundantly and continually harassed or ridiculed can create enthusiastic issues which may stay with them for the remainder of their lives. Self-teaching gives youngsters the capacity to be in a protected and secure condition where they don't feel undermined or harassed. â€Å"Some families feel that the negative social weights of schools, for example, sexualization[sic], tormenting, drugs, school viciousness, and other school-related issues, are unfavorable to a childs development† (New World Encyclopedia, 2008). Numerous people make suspicions with respect to the capacity of youngsters who are self-taught, to work in the public eye as grown-ups, notwithstanding; as of now, there is no definitive proof to demonstrate that these suppositions are right. It would bode well to propose that youngsters who are badgering in the customary school condition would will in general have more issues shaping both individual and business connections in their grown-up lives. Another normal misguided judgment of kids who are self-taught is that they are not permitted to be associated with extracurricular exercises. The fact of the matter is most kids who are self-taught are additionally engaged with outside exercises, for example, sports and expressive arts; this gives the capacity to make connections outside of the home and add to their locale in indistinguishable manners from the generally educated youngsters. One of the most convincing focal points of self-teaching over customary tutoring is the way that both parent and kid the same can plan a timetable which is helpful for their own specific needs. The total adaptability of having the option to define explicit exercise plans, direct classes when it is generally advantageous and the capacity to picked explicit subjects of intrigue which may not be accessible in a conventional school are significant angles with respect to parent’s choice to show their kids at home. . â€Å"Home tutoring permits us to make our own timetable. We pick when we start and end our school day. We pick how long seven days we direct school. We pick which months of the year we will hold classes. † (Zeitz, 2008). Likewise, self-teaching additionally permits grown-ups who have decided to telecommute the capacity to alter their own work routines so as to all the more likely take care of the requirements of their youngsters and to guarantee a full and rich family life. As recently expressed; there will consistently be people who contradict self-teaching for some explanation, there will likewise consistently be people who advocate the various advantages this kind of training can give to both parent and kid. The most significant thing guardians need to consider before settling on the choice to instruct their youngster at home is the child’s readiness and capacity to partake. Despite the fact that a few guardians may accept that this sort of tutoring is suitable, the youngster may want to go to a government funded school just to discover what the â€Å"real world† resembles; at the end of the day, the wellbeing of the kid ought to consistently be mulled over. There are numerous misguided judgments with respect to self-teaching which can be dispersed by simply examining the different advantages this kind of instruction can give; guardians are starting to perceive these advantages, building up a more noteworthy inclination for self-teaching over conventional tutoring which has the fitness to increment altogether in the coming year. Taking everything into account, there are various advantages to self-teaching, for example, the capacity to make explicit exercise plans which are as per the individual premiums of the kid and the capacity to train youngsters as indicated by their unmistakable learning styles. Self-teaching gives adaptability to the two guardians and youngsters to build up the best and most proper occasions to learn, it additionally disposes of the social weights which are available in conventional educational systems. References New Wo

Monday, July 27, 2020


Taobao © Shutterstock.com | Gil CTaobao is one of the biggest consumer-to-consumer platforms on the internet. In this article we will look at 1) what is Taobao?, 2) selling successfully on Taobao, 3) advantages of selling on Taobao, 4) precautions, and 5) Taobao Success Stories.WHAT IS TAOBAO?The CompanyTaobao is a Chinese e-commerce website that was founded by the Alibaba Group in 2003. It is a customer-to-customer platform that allows individual sellers and small business owners to sell their products to different buyers. It is similar in operation to eBay and Amazon. Sellers can create and operate virtual storefronts. The website caters primarily to buyers and sellers in China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan.Both fixed price sales and auction formats are available to sellers. Most items are sold through a fixed price model with a very small percentage of auction sales. Buyers can judge a seller’s credibility by looking at the provided information on the site which includes other user rat ings, comments and complaints.The website is very popular with as many as 760 million products listed by March 2013. It is one of the top 10 most visited websites in the world according to data gathered by Alexa Internet.Rise to SuccessTo compete with an expanding eBay, Taobao allows sellers to list their products at no cost and provides special features on the website such as instant messaging between buyers and sellers and an escrow based payment solution called Alipay. These features are consumer focused and have allowed Taobao to become the leading C2C platform in mainland China. Growth has been rapid with market share moving from 8 percent in 2003 to 67  percent in 2006. Concurrently, eBay’s share fell from 79 percent to 29  percent and the website closed down operations in China by 2006.ExpansionIn 2008, the website expanded to include a business to consumer addition called the Taobao Mall. With its own web domain, aims to provide quality brand name products to the Chinese b uyers. By 2011, Tmall became an independent business and by 2013 it was the 8th most visited website in China.The business has also expanded to include an independent search engine called etao which provides product and seller information across many e-commerce websites. In 2011, the parent company Alibaba also launched a physical Taobao mall in Beijing.The Business ModelThe Taobao business model has been successful where others have failed. The website differs from similarly structured eBay in two major regards. First, the items sold on it are predominantly new and not used. Secondly, there is no setup fee or per transaction fee charged. This fee-free model has made it immensely popular among users in China. The website generates revenue by offering advertising and other services that help the seller stand out from a crowd of other sellers. Merchant advertisements appear with product search results.To add to this, when Tmall was launched there was a change in the revenue model. Tar geted towards bigger sellers, there are several fees charged including a deposit, an annual fee and a per transaction commission.HOW TO SELL SUCCESSFULLY ON TAOBAOTips for Selling on TaobaoAs with all e-commerce platforms, there needs to be concentrated effort to launch a successful business and generate revenues. Some tips for achieving this on Taobao are:Be Innovative: With hundreds of vendors vying for a buyer’s attention, it is a good idea to identify a niche or a unique selling proposition to help stand out from the crowd. This should be used together with a sound marketing plan to make your product stand apart and generate interest.Be Patient: With stiff competition, it can take some time to build up a strong business. It is important to have a long term plan with specific goals and targets to achieve. Learn from your mistakes and work towards building a sustainable and scalable business.Focus on Keywords: When a buyer is out to find a specific item, they will enter specific keywords into the search function. Identifying the right keywords that will direct these buyers to your product and using them effectively are a key to successful online selling. Keywords can relate to the brand, model, any product features or benefits, store name, common adjectives used to define the product etc. Any combination of these keywords may be used to search for the item. Often, similar products or products that fulfill the same need can also be used as keywords to direct buyers to a product.Use the Community: The Taobao community is a place where buyers and sellers can interact. This interaction can lead to familiarity and increased sales as well as repeat customers. A successful seller may be able to animate her community and increase networking. Discussion topics can create awareness and help extend business. These topics can become viral both within the community and even more widespread over the internet. Regular posts on relevant topics will continue to engage buye rs and build up credibility as a serious seller.Offer Promotions: Despite interest, most buyers are looking for a good deal and a great price. Offering promotions on products is a good way to attract buyers and generate excitement about your product. The best promotions offered are showcased by Taobao which increases the probability of being seen by the buyers. In addition, it is a good idea to identify popular holidays and events and build promotional activities around them. Valentine’s Day, Chinese New Year and other festivals are popular times for shopping.Build Credibility: Gaining consumer confidence is vital for online success. An attractive price point and strong communication activities will bring in a buyer but poor quality of items or misleading the customer will only mean lost consumers. Providing a realistic view of items and providing the best quality of goods and services will mean good reviews and repeat customers.Build Supportive Social Media Presence: Buyers will often use social media to share their shopping experience and product likes or dislikes. It is important to establish presence on the social media outlets frequented by your target market and use these to reach out to these consumers. This can help understand market trends, consumer behavior as well as to bring in new customers as well as repeat ones.Provide Excellent Customer Service: Customers often want to get an idea of who the seller is and what the product is before actually making a purchase. For this, Taobao offers a chat feature which is extremely popular with the Chinese audience. A successful seller is one who makes use of this channel and ensures that all customer queries are addressed and responded to in a timely and friendly manner.Provide Reliable Delivery: Chinese consumers expect quick deliveries for their online purchases and it is a good idea to offer quick and reliable delivery.Work with Popular Payment Solutions: Alipay, a local escrow based payment system and c ash on delivery are two methods that are popular in China. Alipay is secure and reliable. These methods should be understood and used.  ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES OF SELLING ON TAOBAOSelling your products on this popular website comes with advantages and disadvantages.AdvantagesSome of the advantages are:Large Chinese Market: Online shopping is very popular in China and Taobao is larger than any physical retail location. According to the China Internet Network Information Center, there were 618 million internet users in China in 2013. Of these, online buyers show a phenomenal growth with shoppers spending $213 billion online. The internet retail market has shown a 70 percent annual growth since 2009.Low Risk and Low Cost: The Taobao business model has no fees attached to merely listing and selling products. In addition, an online business has less inventory pressure, storage issues or management risks. There is less investment as there is no need to establish a physical store presenc e. The overall cost for a seller is reduced and this can be passed on to the consumer in the form of lower priced items and benefits the seller by increasing profit margins.Built-In Secure Payment System: Alibaba, the Taobao parent company also owns the most popular online payment system in China called Alipay. This escrow based system is widely trusted and a reliable way to safely and quickly make online payments. It is a very simple method where a buyer sends money to Alipay on purchasing an item. Alipay then passed on the payment when the product is received by the buyer. The system offers both the buyer and the seller a guarantee of payment and a good product.DisadvantagesThere are two major disadvantages of selling on Taobao. These are:Language Barrier: The biggest users on Taobao remain the residents of China. This means that to sell to them effectively, one must be fluent in their language. A way around this is to hire a Chinese speaker to handle communication, but this may n ot be an option for smaller sellers.Counterfeits: There is a huge counterfeit market on Taobao as well as Tmall. This means that people have cheaper alternatives to any products being sold or are wary of trusting any seller because there is not clear way to tell counterfeits apart online.Those of our readers who have had experience buying or selling on Taobao are welcome to add their experiences in the comments section.PRECAUTIONSIt is usually safe to conduct transactions on Taobao. There is a high degree of reliability on the website. But there are always cases on a bad experience or a bad seller or buyer. It is a good idea to be attempt to identify possible trouble sellers or buyers before getting into business with them. A robust feedback system allows buyers to assess a seller and make an informed decision about buying products from them. Buyers can select sellers with high ratings and good reviews. Similarly, sellers can take a look at any buyer ratings if available and avoid a ny that spell potential trouble.Look for sellers with high transactions and 99 percent feedback.See if the prospective buyer is listed and has a buyer feedbackRead through bad feedback and try to understand what could have caused it. A good seller may have had bad luck with a troublesome buyer.Look at seller speed, accuracy and attitude ratingsBe sure to try to fix any problems and discuss issues before leaving a negative rating for a buyer or a seller.TAOBAO SUCCESS STORIESThere are many examples of successful businesses on Taobao and Tmall. Some of these are:CocokakaCocokaka is a Taobao store that stocks items reminiscent of an urban Outfitters store. Products listed include things like a headless cat backpack, quirky iPhone cases and a teapot hat. One of the most popular items is a giant tiger head backpack. The store is owned and operated by Luojun Xu, who is a student at the Shanghai Academy for Visual Arts. Only 19, she plans to continue further studies abroad in England. Unli ke others, who mostly resell wholesale bought items, Xu creates her own accessories to sell. She transforms cheap, plain accessories into original products to sell in her store.Through her store on Taobao she earns as much as $9,800 a year and attracts 400,000 visitors. She was attracted by the low barriers to entry, access to thousands of users and the opportunity to make good profits on the e-commerce website. According to Xu, good products, good packaging, an interesting storefront, excellent customer service and timely service make the difference between a successful Taobao store and a failed one. Some promotion and marketing also go a long way. Her method for handling competition is to continue to launch newer and more innovative products while maintaining quality of product and service.Puppy Mischief on TaobaoA successful Taobao based online business, PuppY Mischief sells unique pet products online. Products listed include items as diverse as lace trimmed tutus for dogs to spe cialty puppy shampoos. The store was created by Yao Zhen and his wife in 2009. They eventually settled on Taobao as a platform after exploring different retail options and strategies.The inspiration for the business came from Yao’s long standing affection for dogs. He often rescued  dogs and kept them in his own house. As a dog owner, he identified a need for dog related products and a lack of easy availability and access to these items. This encouraged him to attempt to start his own business. Taobao was the eventual choice as there was very little effort or investment required to set up the shop. There was also no need to stock a lot of inventory or offer a variety of product choices. To begin with, Yao sold as much as he could and still managed to make money.Kumeijiao on TaobaoAnother successful Taobao store, Kumeijiao, has been selling wool yarn online since 2007. The business was founded by Liu Yuguo who was encouraged by his uncle to explore the platform because others were making profits on it. He discovered that opening the online store was much easier than he had expected. There was no need for investment or capital and money can be made immediately. Liu experienced this when his items sold out on the first day he listed them on Taobao. Over the years, Liu has added other products and items such as wool and cashmere finished products, but his best-selling item remains what he started with, the spools of yarn.Liu now has a team of 40 workers and has expanded to open a store on Tmall. He pays for listing on Tmall and a commission but can afford to make that investment to compete in a different marketplace.ODM on TmallODM is a watchmaker that created its store on Tmall in 2012. The aim was to reach customers who lived outside of Major Chinese cities. The ODM watches were already sold within their stores, but the company was interested in using the online platform to sell anywhere.Within a few years, the company has managed to grown its online business exponentially and now sells around 60,000 watches a year through its online retail website.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Marketing Plan of Solar Panel - 2253 Words

Marketing Plan for: Proposed by: Submitted to: Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 2. Company Description 3. Strategic Focus and plan Mission/Vision Goals: Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage 4. Situation Analysis SWOT Analysis Internal Strengths and Weaknesses Management Offerings Marketing Personnel Finance Manufacturing Research and Development (R D) External Opportunities and Threats Consumer/Social Competitive Technological Economic Legal/Regulatory Industry Analysis Competitor Analysis Company Analysis Customer Analysis 5. Market-Product Focus Marketing and Product Objectives Target Markets Points of Difference Positioning 6. Marketing Program†¦show more content†¦Financial targets: Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage Whereas the mission defines the scope of a business or business unit and the goals define its strategic performance dimensions, its business unit competencies determine the means for achieving success. An example of a competitive advantage: â€Å"McDonalds’ competitive advantage is its large number of restaurants, more than double its competitors, making it more convenient for customers than any other fast food restaurant in the world.† Our competitive advantage is that high quality of product, lower cost of solar panel, installation and maintenance, unique financial payment option and total coverage on-stop service, making it more reliable and convenient for customers than any other solar panel companies. 4. Situation Analysis The essence of the situation analysis is taking stock of where the firm or product has been recently, where it is now, and where it is headed. The situation analysis is the first of three steps in the planning stage. Recently, the price of unrenewable energy resource such as oil, coral and natural gas is increasing by time because of rare and more and more usage for individual and industries. 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Friday, May 8, 2020

Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay - 1276 Words

Stem Cells are the centre point for all growth and development. The centre point of life. Without them, there would not be humans, animals or even germs. Thanks to them, we can modify and enhance the human body when in its foetal form. The fear that a child will be born with hereditary disease, mutations and disabilities haunts the dreams of people today more than ever. But what if we could guarantee our children could be born disease free and disability free? What if we could remove the gene that would give our children haemophilia? What if we could cure their Parkinson’s disease if they developed it? What if we could modify our children? But what will this mean for mankind? Will this lead to our race’s condemnation or amelioration?†¦show more content†¦The cells have a wide variety of uses, from growing new organs for transplantation to repairing damaged tissue, repairing spinal cord injuries and creating skin replacements for burn victims. Research is ongoi ng into the use of stem cells to help cure immune disorders or make it all the more possible to rectify genetic diseases. One day in the future, the cells may even be used for mundane problems like hair and tooth replacement. However, HES cells discovery and the prospect of using them in medicine and for research has aroused a great deal of controversy throughout the general public. Even when presented with all the things Stem Cell research has to offer, supporters are met by an endless stream of religious and ethical questions, which require serious consideration: Is it fair, or just, that specific types of research go on, when it involves harvesting cells and then going on to terminate human embryos that are between four and seven days old? How do we know this will not lead to ‘human robots’? The ethical questions surrounding stem cell research are split into two divergent points: the pursuit of medical research in order to develop old and create new therapeutics and cures versus the preservation and respect of human and embryonic life. As a populace, these are the two issues we must acknowledge to ensure we reflect the morals and values of ourShow MoreRelatedHuman Embryonic Stem Cell Research1625 Words   |  7 PagesProduction and the Scientific and Therapeutic Use of Human Embryonic Stem Cells, the Pontifical Academy for Life presents the field of stem cell research with a statement regarding the official Roman Catholic position on the moral aspects of acquiring and using human embryonic stem cells.  They have declared that it is not morally legitimate to produce or use human embryos as a source of stem cells, nor is it acceptable to use stem cells from cell lines already established. Thus, bringing up the conflictingRead MoreHuman Embryonic Stem Cell Research2490 Words   |  10 PagesFederal Government to fund stem cell research through the National Institute of Health. There are various types of stem cells, but the policy issue mainly covers human embryonic stem cells. This policy revokes President George W. Bush s executive order 13435 which put heavy limitations on federal funding for stem cell research. Although this policy has already taken effect, there are still bans and immense regulation on particular methods of human embryonic stem cell extraction that involve theRead MoreHuman Embryonic Stem Cell Research1901 Words   |  8 Pages Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Stem cells are cells that have not yet differentiated, or will divide into other cells that will then differentiate. These cells have the ability to develop into any type of cell that the body requires during development and growth. The value of stem cells for research comes from the ability to develop into specialized cells, a process known as differentiation, under experimental conditions. Naturally, stem cells regularly repair or replace damaged tissues. ScientificallyRead MoreHuman Embryonic Stem Cell Research992 Words   |  4 PagesThe liver is known in the medical community as a miracle organ because is it the only known organ in the human body that can regenerate itself if half of it is cut out. Tissue regeneration has always been a desirable fantasy, but now it is almost a possibility. Human embryonic stem cells are pluripotent cells that, although unspecialized, can differentiate into various specialized cells, such as nerves, muscle, skin, or even blood. Sadly, controver sy surrounds this relatively new scientific conceptRead MoreHuman Embryonic Stem Cell Research1313 Words   |  6 PagesJessica Rogers Kendra Gallos English III Honors 18 April 2016 Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research, or HES cell research, is a very controversial ethical debate. This issues is a dilemma for scientist, religious activist, and many more. HES cell research is being disputed because the practice is morally wrong. The other side of the issue stands with many scientist, being that they see the potential lives it could save in the long run. Religious activist, andRead More Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Essay4185 Words   |  17 PagesHuman Embryonic Stem Cell Research Many scientists believe that research on human embryonic stem cells, components of human embryos created in laboratories, will eventually yield cures to a number of devastating human conditions including juvenile diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and spinal cord injuries. On August 9, 2001, President George W. Bush announced he would permit federally funded research on existing stem cells lines derived from human embryos. He prohibited the federal funding of researchRead MoreHuman Stem Cell Research : Ethical Dilemmas With The Utility Of Embryonic Stem Cells1879 Words   |  8 PagesTrevor McCarthy Human Embryonic Stem Cell (hESC) research possesses ethical dilemmas with the utility of embryonic stem cells (ESCs) derived from human blastocyst, one of the earliest stages of embryonic development. Embryonic stem cell derivation is controversial because there are different opinions and beliefs on when an embryo is deserving of full moral status, equal to the moral respect, rights and treatment to that of a human being. ESCs extracted from a blastocyst will undergo experimentationRead MoreBiomedical Engineering: Stem Cells Essay1584 Words   |  7 Pagesadvances and research that stem from biomedical engineers can solve problems that would have never have been able to be solved before. Engineers have been working on new technology that will utilize stem cells in order to save lives and treat diseases. The stem cells that are used for treatment are called embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are formed from five-day old human embryos that the embryos are essentially human b eings (In Stem-cell Research† Para. 3). The usage of such stem cells has causedRead MoreThe Use Of Embryonic Stem Cells In Medicine1472 Words   |  6 Pagescure a disease? Embryonic Stem Cells can be used to treat many different diseases, but some people have their opinion that using these stem cells in medicine is unethical because they are coming from a human embryo. There are countries that have banned the use of embryonic stem cells in medicine, and in America there are people arguing that it should be banned here. But what about all of the lives that these stem cells are saving, what if research continues and these embryonic stem cells end up beingRead MoreEssay on Stem Cells: The Cure for Uncontrollable Diseases of the Past1246 Words   |  5 PagesGehrig’s disease, Sickle Cell Anemia, Alzheimer’s. This world is plague by countless diseases and there existed a time where, after many failed research attempts, scientists began to believe that people would always suffer from these diseases. However, with the introduction of stem cell research those past notions were dismissed. Upon their introduction, stem cell’s provided a new hope to the world and it proved itself to be an invaluable asset. Through stem cell research, a multitude of cures have

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Hofstede’s Model Of Organisational Culture Free Essays

ABSTRACT Organizational culture has become the buzzword in popular management with many experts suggesting it as an important determinant for organizational success. Management researchers have been quick to point out the impact that organizational culture may have on the effectiveness of the organization and have called for an increase in the attention paid to organizational culture. With more emphasis being placed on organizational culture, it becomes important to understand the appeal of this concept and examine its impact on management within the organization This paper thus explores on the concept of â€Å"organizational culture† and examines its impact on behaviours and management of the organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Hofstede’s Model Of Organisational Culture or any similar topic only for you Order Now This will involve identifying one associated mode or theory and evaluating or determining the extent to which the chosen model plays a part in defining the style of management. A case study of Sony Ericsson will also be employed to help illustrate the application of hofstede’s model of organizational culture. The study will also identify limitations of this model and the strengths that have enabled it to be used as a basis for most research analyses. INTRODUCTION Organizational culture has become the buzzword in popular management with many experts suggesting it as an important determinant for organizational success (Schein 1999). While the association between organizational culture and organizational success is far from certain, it is obvious that each organization has its own unique social structure which drives much of the individual behavior within that organization. Management researchers have been quick to point out the impact that organizational culture may have on the effectiveness of the organization and have called for an increase in the attention paid to organizational culture (Siehl Martin 1998). With more emphasis being placed on organizational culture, it is important to understand the appeal of this concept and examine its impact on management within the organization. This study thus explores on the concept of organizational culture and examines its impact on management style. This will involve identifying one associated mode or theory and evaluating or determining the extent to which the chosen model plays a part in defining the style of management. In this regard, Hofstede’s ideas will form the basis of our analysis of organizational culture. WHAT IS..â€Å"CULTURE†? The term culture has been given varied set of definitions by various scholars. Kroeber Kluckholn (1952), for example, defined culture as consisting of patterns of behaviour acquired and transmitted through symbols, and which constitute distinctive achievement of human groups including their embodiment in artifacts. Hofstede (1980), on the other hand, defined culture as the collective programming of the mind which differentiates members of one human group in the society from the rest. While Symington (1983) defined it as a complex whole which include belief, knowledge, morals, art, customs, capabilities and habits acquired in the society. These definitions suggest culture to consist of a set of value systems that are shared equally by members in the society and which binds people together. With the above conceptualization of culture, we can now define what we mean by organizational culture. ORGANIZAITONAL CULTURE Organizational culture can simply be defined as a set of values, assumptions and beliefs that define the behaviours and style of management in an organization (O’Reilly et.al, 1991). There are three main sources of influence believed to interact to create organizational culture. These are the beliefs and values held by the leaders of the organization, the characteristics of the industry in which the organization is within, and the broader society in which the organization operates (O’Reilly et.al, 1991). The most influential model used by management researchers and which has formed the basis of most analyses of organizational culture is Hofstede’s model. While most noted for his groundbreaking work on dimensions of national culture, Hofstede also identified six dimensions of organizational culture which can be used in defining the style of management in an organization. Process oriented vs goal oriented The process oriented vs result oriented dimension is concerned with the effectiveness of the organization. A key feature of a process oriented culture is the means or rather the way in which work has to be conducted. While in a result oriented culture, emphasis is placed on the goals of the organization. That is, employees are primarily out to achieve specific organizational goals even if the risks involved are substantial (Hofstede 2001). Parochial vs professional This dimension reflects the internal and external frame of the organization (Hofstede 2001). In a local culture the identity of the employees is with the immediate manager. Hence employees within this culture are internally focused and directed and there is also a strong social control. The converse is true in a professional culture where the identity of the employees is largely determined by the profession and content of the job. Open system vs closed system The open system vs closed system dimension reflects the communication climate of the organization (Hofstede 2001). For an open system, new employees are welcomed and there is the belief that everyone fits well in the organization. While for a closed system, it is difficult to join and it is believed that only a certain kind of individuals may fit in the organization. Employee oriented vs job oriented This dimension relates to the management philosophy in the organization. In an employee oriented organizational culture, concern is mainly on employee satisfaction. The staff members feel that their own personal problems and welfare is taken into account by the organization. While for a job oriented organizational culture, work is characterized by heavy pressure to perform the specific task at the expense of the employee (Hofstede 2001). Tighter control vs loose control This dimension relates to structuring, control and discipline in the organization. A tight control culture is characterized by seriousness and punctuality while the features of a loose control culture are casual and improvisation (Hofstede 2001). Examples of organizations that are often found within tighter controls are banks and pharmaceutical companies while those found in loose control are research laboratories and advertising agencies (Hofstede 2001). Normative vs pragmatic This dimension reflects on the methods employed by organizations when dealing with the environment in general and customers in particular. It describes the level of â€Å"customer oreintation†. Pragmatic cultures are flexible and more market driven while normative cultures are rigid and often emphasize on following applicable laws and rules (Hofstede 2001). Hofstede labeled organizations involved in the sale of services as pragmatic while those engaged in application of laws and rules as normative. CRITICISMS OF HOFSTEDE’S MODEL Hofstede’s ground breaking work on culture has indeed provided valuable insights into the management styles and dynamics of cross cultural relationships. However, his highly influential findings have not been without criticisms. A number of academics have discredited his work in part or whole. Critics have argued that survey was not an important instrument that could be used in accurately determining and measuring the culture of organizations (Jones 2007). A survey of a set of limited questions certainly cannot adequately and comprehensively provide an in-depth understanding of culture of an organization. In response to this criticism, Hofstede argued that survey was one method and certainly not the only method that was used. Hofstede’s model has also been criticized on the basis that the five or six dimensions did not provide sufficient information about cultural differences (Jones 2007). In this regard, Hofstede agreed that his analysis was too narrow to credibly argue for the universal validity and sufficiency of the six dimensions of organizational culture that he identified. And in fact, suggested for additional dimensions to his original work. He also noted that some of the six dimensions that he identified may be less useful when analyzing other types of organizations in other countries (Jones 2007). A third criticism is that Hofstede’s work is seen as outdated, especially with the rapid changes in the global environment (Jones 2007). This critique has further been put forward by Holden (2002) who points out that the data used by Hofstede in his dimensions of organizational culture seem to have been gathered over 30 years ago and is therefore no longer applicable to the modern day world. In response to this criticism, Hofstede (1998) pointed out that a number of recent replications had confirmed his findings. Hofstede’s model is also criticized on grounds of his one company approach. Hofstede’s analysis supposed that a single IBM organizational culture could be used to make inferences about the entire world wide organizational cultures (Jones 2007). A study fixated on one company certainly cannot be used to make inferences about the entire world wide organizational cultures. The validity of his dimensions of organizational culture has thus been questioned and his model considered to be non-comprehensive as the study was based on data collected from a single company using questionnaires that lacked academic foundation. Critics have also argued that Hofstede failed to recognize the diversity in his analysis of IBM culture (Jones 2007). He ignored extensive literature which suggested that there were multiple, dissenting and emergent cultures in an organization. If we are to ignore the assumption of a single culture in IBM and acknowledge the diversity in culture at IBM, then his analysis is likely to collapse. After years of publication of his analysis on organizational culture based on the IBM survey data, Hofstede begun to acknowledge the presence of cultural diversity within and between units in the same organization. However, despite recognizing flaws in his work, Hofstede fails to admit error or weakness in his analysis. Accepting that organizations had multiple cultures as opposed to his assumption of a single culture would seem to undermine a crucial part of his analysis. ARGUMENTS IN FAVOUR OF HOFSTEDE’S MODEL Despite these criticisms, Hofstedes work is widely acknowledged and used by many scholars and practictioners due to its mainly appealing attributes. Sondergaard (1994) noted that hofstede’s analysis on corporate culture received 1,036 citations in comparison with another highly regarded study by Miles Snow (1978) which only received 200 citations. Moreover, a number of researchers have replicated Hofstede’s study including Trompenaars Hampden-Turner (1997). Some of the strengths that have enabled it to be used as the basis of most research analyses include: Relevance: – Hofstede’s discoveries came at a time when there was very little known about culture and businesses were just globalizing and were in need of advice (Jones 2007). Hofstede’s framework exceeded this demand and became widely accepted by many scholars and practitioners. His work offered guidance to managers who were expanding their businesses as cultures were clashing and creating difficulties (Jones 2007). Rigour – Hofstede model is based on a rigorous research design with systematic data and is built on a coherent theory (Jones 2007). Simplicity: – Knudsen Loloma (2007) argues that hofstede’s model has remained influential and successful due to its simplicity of appliance. His analysis of culture offered a simple way of understanding organizational culture. The six dimensions that define organizational culture put forth by Hofstede made it easier for managers and researchers to understand corporate culture without the need of expert knowledge. Relative accuracy: – strength of Hofstede’s model is also reflected in its level of accuracy. Majority of the replications conducted by other researchers have confirmed Hofstede’s findings. Four replications have concurred fully with Hofstede’s findings while fifteen showed partial confirmation (Jones 2007). Moreover, Hofstede’s framework has become very influential in management studies and is most widely cited in social sciences. His work remains instrumental in the implementation of various business systems in organizations including entrepreneurial behaviour, workgroup performance and dynamics, leadership styles, participative management and management control systems among many others (Jones 2007). A CASE STUDY OF SONY ERICSSON In order to explore on the extent to which hofstede model plays a part in defining management style, we will conduct a case study of Sony Ericsson, a joint venture between Sony and Ericsson. Sony Ericsson has its headquarters and all of its management based in the UK. The firm aims at becoming the most innovative and attractive mobile brand globally (Cooper Ross 2007). ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE IN SONY ERICSSON Organizational culture has long been acknowledged as an important factor for driving behaviour, decision making and shaping management style at Sony Ericsson. With regard to the rules and procedures, Sony Ericson follows a certain procedure laid down by the firm (Cooper Ross 2007). While it is not a requirement for employees to follow strict dress code and office timings, it is mandatory for employees at Sony Ericsson to abide by the business ethics and code of conduct (Cooper Ross 2007). Since the firm does not follow a strict dress code and office timings, it can be concluded that the organization employs a loose control culture. With regard to employee evaluation and performance, the staffs at Sony Ericsson are not differentiated on their individual performance and are allowed to participate in decision making except at the higher level which requires the executive management team only (Cooper Ross 2007). Sony Ericsson’s corporate culture is also more employee oriented with managers more concerned on the welfare and employee satisfaction. Sony Ericson’s organizational culture is also very professional as employees are subjected to scrutiny checks prior to their appointment to ensure that individuals hired are competent and have a certain level of experience deemed necessary for the position (Tayeb 2001). With regard to normative and pragmatic approach, the firm is seen in between, as its organizational culture is both normative and pragmatic oriented. While Sony Ericsson focuses on meeting customer and market needs, the firm also adheres to certain rules and guidelines in meeting these needs (Tayeb 2001). Clearly, Hofstede’s model plays a significant part in defining the management style and organizational behaviour at Sony Ericsson. CONCLUSION There is no doubt that Hofstede’s model is one of the most widely acknowledged and used piece of research. His ground breaking work on culture has indeed provided valuable insights into the management styles and dynamics of cross cultural relationships as evident in Sony Ericsson. A number of academics have however discredited his work in part or whole. Although Hofstede’s work on culture has been heavily criticized on grounds of his one company approach, survey methodological approach, and for fewer dimensions and his assumption of a single organizational culture; majority of his findings have had remarkable effect on practitioners and researchers and continue to guide multi-national practitioners into the â€Å"global† future. While there is a high level of controversy in his analysis of culture, there is no doubt that his study is one of the most influential in the analysis of organizational culture. REFERENCE Hofstede, G., 2001. Culture’s consequences. 2nd edition. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage publications Hofstede, G., 1998. â€Å"Attitudes, Values and Organizational Culture: Disentangling the concepts.† Organization Studies 19(3): 477. Hofstede, G., 1980. Culture’s Consequences: International differences in work-related values. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage Publications. Hofstede, G., Neuijen, B., Ohayv, D. D., and G. Sanders, 1990. â€Å"Measuring Organizational Cultures: A Qualitative and Quantitative Study across Twenty Cases†. Administrative Science Quarterly, 35(2), 286-316. Holden, N., 2002. Cross-Cultural Management – A Knowledge Management Perspective. Harlow: Prentice Hall. Jones, M.L., 2007. Hofstede – culturally questionableOxford, UK. Kroeber, A. L. and C. Kluckhohn, 1952. Culture: A critical review of concepts and definitions. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University press Knudsen Loloma, 2007. The consequences of â€Å"culture’s consequences†. A critical approach to culture as collective programming applied to cross-cultural crews. Journal of Maritime Affairs. Vol . 8 (2), pp.105 -121 Miles, R and C. Snow, 1978. Organizational Strategy, Structure, and Process. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. O’Reilly, C., Chatman, J., and D. Caldwell, 1991. â€Å"People and organizational culture: A profile comparison approach to assessing person-organization fit†. Academy of Management Journal, 34:487-516. Rose, R., 2008. Organizational culture as a root of performance improvement: research and recommendations. Contemporary management research. Vol.4, p. 43-46 Schein, E., 1999. The corporate culture survival guide. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. Schwartz, S.H., 1994. â€Å"Beyond individualism/collectivism†. In: Kim, U., Triandis, H.C. et al. (eds) Individualism and Collectivism: Theory, Method, and Applications: Vol. 18, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage Siehl, C. J. Martin, 1998. â€Å"Measuring Organizational Culture: Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods†. In: Jones, M.O, et al. (eds), Inside Organizations: Understanding the Human Dimension, Newbury Park, CA, Sage Publications, pp.79-103. Sinha, 2000. Patterns of work culture. Sage publications Sondergaard, M., 1994. â€Å"Hofstede’s consequences: A study of reviews, citations and replications.† Organization Studies 15(3): 447. Symington, J. W., 1983. Learn Latin America’s Culture. New York Times. Tayeb, M. H., 2001. International Business Partnership. New York: Palgrave. Trompenaars, F. and C. Hampden-Turner, 1997. Riding the waves of culture: understanding cultural diversity in business. London, Nicholas Brearley. How to cite Hofstede’s Model Of Organisational Culture, Essay examples

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Water resources in economic

Introduction According to Addams, Boccaletti, Kerlin Stuchtey (2009), there are more than enough water resources to meet and sustain the competing demands for scarce the resources. But the escalating water shortages and scarcity is seen as an industrial hazard, a main financial risk that can not be disregarded, and a universal precedence that influences human well-being.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Water resources in economic specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Looking at the management of water resources, monetary statistics is inadequate, administration is not transparent and the stakeholders are unsatisfactorily connected. Because of this, majority of the states put more effort to outline and put into practice fact rooted water policies. Water resources experience inadequate allotments and reduced investment arrangements due to the fact that investors do not have reliable support for financially realistical ly decision making. With no action taken in the direction of recovering water resource management, it will not be easy to encounter connected resource difficulties, such as supplying enough food or maintaining producing energy for the global populace. Discussion on the economics’ of water Despite water being a precious commodity, its value is hardly ever shown in numerical figures or categorized as an economic resource. Hermans, Halsema Renault (2005) state that by employing financial figures in water management, as a way of portraying significant values in money flows and permitting financial trade to be the basis of distributing water resources and related costs and advantages among stake holders. Hence, the stakeholders pay only for the amount of water that they use at a particular time. By putting into practice the financial payments for water usage in the market will result in a more utilized way of using the scarce water commodity. This will limit the wastage of water as people will feel the pinch in the pocket as they have to pay more for each drop of water wasted (Briscoe, 1996). Know how or advancements recognize that financial preparations can be a factor to an additional cost-effective utilization of water resources but if simply precise requirements are met, correlated to a properly performing institutional structure and system that makes certain that use of monetary provisions is well adjusted through wide communal objectives. Proposals on the economics’ of water resources FAO (2005) states, the escalating responsiveness that water shortage has brought forth the acceptance of the opinion that â€Å"water is an economic good† as one of the four Dublin principles in 1992, which are broadly acknowledged as the foundation for integrated water resources management (IWRM). Economics purely focuses on the division of scant commodities over several contending demands hence then the aspect of scarcity of water reserves as economic com modities makes perfect sense. (FAO/ Netherlands, 2005)Advertising Looking for report on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Contrary, Perry et al (1997) argues that water is not an ordinary economic good, and that one should be familiar with possessions and consumer privileges may be multifaceted, in that the physical attribute of water makes it difficult to transport large quantities of water from one location to another and that water is a resource that cannot be replaced, once its used, its gone. Conclusion Water is a scarce resource and the situation continues to escalate day-in-day-out. Just like other scarce resources which are categorized as economic resources, so should be water resources. By giving water resources a price tag and placing market regulations, the commodity will be more valued and the resources protected. Reference List Addams, L. Boccaletti, G. Kerlin, M. Stuchtey, M. (2009). Charting Our Water Future Economic frameworks to inform decision making. McKinsey Company. Retrieved from: https://www.mckinsey.com/business-functions/sustainability/our-insights/charting-our-water-future Briscoe, J. (1996). Paper presented at the ICID World Congress in Egypt: Treating Water as an Economic Good. The idea and what it means in practice. Cairo: Elsevier. FAO, (2005). Project Report FAO and Sokoine University of Agriculture: Water Productivity and Vulnerable Groups in the Mkoji Sub Catchment. Morogoro: Kasele, S. Hermans, L. Halsema, V. G. Renault, D. (2005). Paper presented at OECD Workshop on Agriculture and Water: Sustainability, Markets and Policies. 14th– 18th November 2005: Developing economic arrangements for water resources management-the potential of stakeholder-oriented water valuation. Adelaide: Sydney. Perry. C.J., Rock, M. and Seckler, D. (1997). Research Report14: Water as an Economic Good: A Solution or a Problem? Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Irriga tion Management Institute.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Water resources in economic specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This report on Water resources in economic was written and submitted by user Zackary Lara to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Marrige and Divorce Essays

Marrige and Divorce Essays Marrige and Divorce Essay Marrige and Divorce Essay Essay Topic: Cry the Beloved Country Discipline and Punish the Birth Of the Prison This research paper is assigned to us in â€Å"Introduction to Social Science† course. Here students have to prepare a term paper basing on the titles given to them so that students can learn to conduct any research study in future for their organizational purpose or own business purpose. The topic of our study is â€Å"Marriage and Divorce†. In this term paper we have gone through different articles, journals and research papers. 1. 2 Objectives of the Study The principle objective of the study is to know the effect of divorce in the children. The specific objectives of the study are as follows: 1. To assess of marriage in our society. 2. Effect of marriage in the society. 3. To investigate divorce cases to find out the reason behind this. 4. Effect of marriage in the children. 1. 3 Research Strategy Method 1. 3. 1Techniques to be used to collect data Questionnaire: Questionnaire will be use to developed case studies. Interview: Divorce men and women will be approached to collect interview through structured interview telephone, fax, e-mail and physical interview will be conducted. Observations: Surveyor while taking interview will use his own observation to collect information. Secondary information: Secondary information should be collected by internet, newspapers, journals and other relevant documents. 1. 3. 2 Sampling design For this research topic, Data required are primary and secondary. Target people are the divorce men, wome n and their children.. . 4 Data collection Techniques and Tools |Data collection Techniques |Data Collection Tools | |Observation |Check list, | |Interviewing |Compilation Form, | |Administering written |Questionnaire, | |Questionnaires |Discussion Guides. | | | 1. 5 Limitations To complete the study we have faced some problems, which can be termed as the limitations of the study. The problems were as follows: Less Secondary Information Lack of time 2. 1. 1 Marriage Marriage is a relationship and bond, most commonly between a man and a woman, that plays a key role in the definition of many families. Precise definitions vary historically and between and within cultures, but it has been an important concept as a socially sanctioned bond in a sexual relationship. Globally, societies that sanction polygamy as a form of marriage are far less common than those that do not and monogamy is overwhelmingly most widely practiced, followed distantly by polygyny, which is found primarily in tribal cultures, and with other forms being extremely rare. Since the latter decades of the 20th century many of societys assumptions about the nature and purpose of marriage and family have been challenged, in particular by homosexual advocacy groups, who demand changing the definition of marriage as a heterosexual union. In modern times, the term marriage is generally reserved for a state sanctioned union. The phrase legally married can be used to emphasize this point. 2. 1. 2 Types of marriage: The type and functions of marriage vary from culture to culture. In the United States, Europe, and China in the early 21st century, legally sanctioned marriages are monogamous (although some pockets of society still sanction polygamy socially, if not legally) and divorce is relatively simple and socially sanctioned. In the West, the prevailing view toward marriage today is that it is based on emotional attachment between the partners and entered into voluntarily. In the Islamic world, marriage is sanctioned between a man and a woman, however there are verses in chapter 4 of the Quran which state that in certain conditions a man is allowed up to four wives. In Imperial China, formal marriage was sanctioned only between a man and a woman, although a man could take several concubines and the children from the union were considered legitimate. Some societies permitted polygamy, in which a man could have multiple wives; even in such societies however, most men have only one. In such societies, having multiple wives is generally considered a sign of wealth and power. The status of multiple wives has varied from one society to another. In Islamic societies, the different wives were considered equal while in Imperial China, one woman was considered the primary wife while the other women were considered concubines. Among the upper classes, the primary wife was an arranged marriage with an elaborate formal ceremony while the concubines were taken on later with minimal ceremony. There are also many monogamous societies, where a marriage consists of only two people, a very few polyandrous, where a woman could have multiple husbands. Societies which permit group marriage are extremely rare, but have existed in utopian societies such as the Oneida Community. 2. 1. 3 Marriage and religion: Many religions have extensive teachings regarding marriage. Most Christian churches give some form of blessing to a marriage; the wedding ceremony typically includes some sort of pledge by the community to support the couples relationship. In the Eastern Orthodox church, it is one of the Mysteries, and is seen as an ordination and a martyrdom. In marriage, Christians see a picture of the relationship between Jesus and the Church. In Judaism, marriage is viewed as a coming together of two families, therefore prolonging the religion and cultural heritage of the Jewish people. Islam also recommends marriage highly; among other things, it helps in the pursuit of spiritual perfection. Hinduism sees marriage as a sacred duty that entails both religious and social obligations. By contrast, Buddhism does not encourage or discourage marriage, although it does teach how one might live a happily married life. Its also worth noting that different religions have different beliefs as regards the breakup of marriage. For example, the Roman Catholic Church does not permit divorce, because in its eyes, a marriage is forged by God. The Church states that what God joins together, humans cannot sunder. As a result, people who get a civil divorce are still considered married in the eyes of the Catholic Church, which does not allow them to remarry, even if they are allowed a civil marriage. In some special cases, however, Catholics can be permitted an annulment. With a nullity, religions and the state often apply different rules, meaning that a couple, for example, could receive a divorce from the state and not have their marriage annulled by the Catholic Church because the state disagrees with the church over whether an annulment could be granted in a particular case. This produces the phenomenon of Catholics getting Church annulments simultaneously with state divorces, allowing the ex-partners to marry other people in the eyes of both the Church and the State. Islam does allow divorce; however, there is a verse stated in the Quran describing divorce as the least desirable act allowed between people. The general rule is for a man to allow his wife to stay until the end of her menstrual period or for 3 months if she so wishes after the divorce. During this period they would be divorced in that they would simply be living under the same roof but not functioning as man and wife. The Quran scholars suggest that the main point is to prevent any decisions by the woman from being affected by hormonal fluctuations as well as to allow any heated arguments or differences to be resolved in a civil manner before the marriage is completely terminated. However, there is no obligation on the woman to stay, if she so wishes she may leave. The man is also obligated to give his wife a gift or monetary sum equivalent to at least half her mahr (gift or monetary sum which is given to the wife at the commencement of the marriage). Specific conditions as to how a divorce is conducted also apply if a woman is pregnant, or has given birth just prior to the divorce. 2. 1. 4 Marriage and economics: The economics of marriage have changed over time. Historically, in many cultures the family of the bride had to provide a dowry to pay a man for marrying their daughter. In other cultures, the family of the groom had to pay a bride price to the brides family for the right to marry the daughter. In some cultures, dowries and bride prices are still demanded today. In both cases, the financial transaction takes place between the groom (or his family) and the brides family; the bride has no part in the transaction and often no choice in whether to participate in the marriage. In many modern legal systems, two people who marry have the choice between keeping their property separate or combining their property. In the latter case, called community property, when the marriage ends by divorce each owns half; if one partner dies the surviving partner owns half and for the other half inheritance rules apply. . 2. 1 Divorce Divorce or dissolution of marriage is the ending of a marriage, which can be contrasted with an annulment which is a declaration that a marriage is void, though the effects of marriage may be recognized in such unions, such as spousal support, child custody and distribution of property. 2. 2. 2 Causes of divorce The main causes in are: Extra-marital affairs – Family strains Emotional/physical abuse Mid-life crisis Add ictions, e. g. alcoholism and gambling Workaholism Regarding extra-marital affairs, men engaged in them in 75% (55%) of cases; women in 25% (45%). In cases of family strain, it was womens families in 78% of cases who were the cause, compared to 22% of mens. Emotional/physical abuse was more evenly split with women affected in 60% and men in 40% of cases. In 70% of workaholism-related divorces it was men who were the cause, and 30% women. 2. 2. 3 Social and family issues There are arguments concerning the harmful effects of divorce on women, men, and children in the family. These may be summarised as follows: Women are generally the financial victims of divorce due to the lack of equal pay for equal work in many countries and the fact that many women give up employment after marriage to bring up children. They are often left with the burden of looking after the children after the divorce while having to find work in low-paid jobs. Child support collection is a major problem as many fathers do not accept that they have an obligation towards their children. Many national and local governments provide some kind of welfare system for divorced mothers and their children. See single mother for details. Men are generally the financial victims of divorce due to court-ordered alimony and child support which women often are not required to pay, and the fact that many men are entirely denied custody of their own children. Some men are left with the burden of never seeing their children, which is a major problem as many mothers may relocate the children, not accepting that they have an obligation to provide a stable and supportive family with both parents involved. Although women are less likely to pay child-support, they re more likely to neglect support payments when they are required. Unfortunately, the aspect of family stability is one argument stated against same-sex marriage, since court orders against men and child neglect by women are no longer defensible one-way legal benefits. Recognition of the problems faced by fathers and other relatives is given by self-help groups such as Families Need Fathers. 2. 2. 4 Legal aspects of divorce Muslim societie s No-fault divorce is allowed in Islam, though Islam discourages divorce in any case. No-fault divorce can be obtained by either partner. If the man seeks divorce he has to pay a dowry and cover the expenses of his ex-wife for a period called iddah (four months 10 days) following divorce, and in the case of the woman feeding his child he has to pay the expenses of his ex-wife for the period she feeds child until the child is two years old (in addition to expenses for child). If it is the wife who seeks divorce, she must go to a court. The court will first try to make a settlement. If a settlement cant be reached, the court can grant a divorce. If a woman who seeks divorce on the (proven) grounds of ill treatment, inability to sustain her financially or sexual impotence on the part of the husband, the husband has to pay a dowry; otherwise, she gets nothing. 2. 2. 5 LAW Existing Laws that relate to women and children: The Penal Code 1860: Provides that children under 12 are not culpable for any offence and are unable to give their consent to any transaction. It was made an offence to kidnap a male under 14 and a female under 16 years who are in lawful guardianship. It was made an offence to kidnap a child under 10 years of age. The Divorce Act 1869: Asserts the right of the court to assess the appropriate maintenance, custody and education of the children in separation cases. The Contract Act 1872: Legislates that a contract by a minor is absolutely void. A contract of sale made with the guardian of a minor may be binding only if it were made either for legal necessity or for the benefit of the estate. The Guardians and Wards Act 1890: Empowers the court to appoint a guardian of a minors person and/or property. No guardian may be appointed that is against the will of the minor. The Code of Criminal Procedures 1898: Any person having sufficient means yet neglecting or refusing to maintain his wife and legitimate children can be ordered to provide a monthly allowance for his dependents. The court obtained empowerment to release certain convicted first offenders less than 21 years of age on probation of good conduct instead of sentencing them to imprisonment. The Mines Act 1923: Prohibits employment of a child under 15 years of age to work in a mine and regulates the employment of those between 15 and 17 years of age. The Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929: Provides punishment for a male adult marrying a child below 16 years of age. It also prescribes punishment for parents and guardians who play a part in child marriages. The Suppression of Immoral Traffic Act 1933: Provides for the punishment of forcing a girl under 18 years into prostitution. Abatement by one having custody or charge of the girl is also a crime. The Children (Pledging of Labor) Act 1933: It was made an offence to pledge a child into labor or employ a child whose labor has been pledged. The Employment of Children Act 1938: Regulates the employment of children in specified industries and occupations and provides for punishment of the employer contravening the provisions of the Act The Maternity Benefit Act 1939: Regulates the employment of women for certain periods before and after childbirth and provides for the payment of maternity benefit to them by the employer. The Maternity Benefit (Tea Estate) Act 1950: Prohibits the employment of women in tea gardens or processing factories for a certain period before and after childbirth with payment of maternity benefits for the period. The Minimum Wages Ordinance 1961: Set a minimum rate for juvenile (under 18) workers and provides for punishment and contravention. The 1965 Factorys Act obligated the management to provide child care if the factory employs more than fifty women. Practices to the contrary are punishable by law. (Act No-iv, 1965) The Shops and Establishment act 1965: Prohibits the employment of children under 12 years in shops and commercial establishments. It further regulates the hours of work for those under 18 years of age. The Childrens Act 1974: Provides for the custody, protection and treatment of children and the punishment of young offenders by juvenile courts. It also deals with care and protection of destitute and neglected children. It provides, among other safeguards, for the punishment of special offences such as cruelty to children, employment of children for begging and exploitation of child employees. 1992, the Government of Bangladesh made the Dhaka Declaration for the promotion and protection of breast-feeding practice. In 1994, the Government of Bangladesh agreed to support ecvironment includes provision of child care and creche facilities at the work place. In addition to these formal laws, there are a number of personal and religious laws, which mainly relate to social customs such as marriage, divorce, guardianship, adoption and inheritance, according to religious prescriptions. 2. 2. 6 Three Major Divorce Parenting Mistakes and Learn How to Avoid Them Stop letting your divorce ruin your childrens life. 3 major divorce parenting mistakes surely lead to unhappy, unhealthy and unsuccessful children. Know and learn to deal with these mistakes for your children seek. 1. Failure To Act According To Childs Best Interest. If you are divorced or in the process of getting a divorce, you may be concerned about the effects it may have on your child or children. You certainly know how important it is to make decisions based on your childrens best interest. But between parents, the worst arguments can happen over what exactly these interests are. This is because the phrase best interest means different things to different people. Experts and researchers do agree on two very basic factors that have significant impact on childrens well being. These two factors can be said to be the foundation for a childs true best interest: Children benefit from keeping the familial ties in their life that were meaningful and important to them prior to the divorce. Such familial ties may not be limited to parents but may also include extended family, such as grandparents. Children benefit to the greatest when the in-between parent relationships is generally supportive and cooperative whether they are married or divorced. These two factors determine whether divorced children are damage or not damage by divorce. . Failure To Let Go The Hurts Of Ones Divorce. Let go of grudges you may hold against your former spouse. Holding onto feelings of anger will not change your situation and will probably consume a great deal of your energy energy you need to devote to creating a positive environment for your child. If you dwell on your disappointment and dislike with your former spouse chances are your child will sense your feelings and suffer i n some way from your negative attitude. Let go and forgive. 3. Failure To Win The Parenting Cooperation Of Your Ex After divorce, most parents would like to have a smooth and civil relationship with their ex but only a few end-up the way they wanted. Often just by talking to their former spouse brings them somewhere between annoyed and enraged. If divorced parents can put aside their personal feelings before the welfare of their children and choose to interact with one another in a respectful and dignified way, their children will benefit. Learn to win the parenting cooperation of your ex. Remember whatever lead you to where you are today, you are responsible for another life the innocent life of a child, who didnt ask to be born. Your child is not responsible for the experiences or events that made you divorced. Your child is completely dependent upon you through no choice of their own. Dont let them down. They are powerless and vulnerable to the possibly less-than-ideal consequences they face as a child of divorced parent. Your role and influence in their life is paramount to their chances of becoming a happy, healthy and successful adult. They need you more than their words will ever tell. Sure, you can have healthy, happy and successful children even if youre divorced. Do act according to childs best interest, let go and forgive, and win the parenting cooperation of your ex. Remember, how bad and well children go through the divorce depends on how parents handle the situation. Never let your divorce ruin your childrens life. 2. 2. 7 DIVORCE IN GENERAL AND WITH RESPECT TO ISLAM In no age other than ours has so much attention been paid to the danger of the disintegration of the family and its harmful consequences, and again, in no age other than ours has man been faced with the real danger of such disintegration. The growth of divorce in modern life In the past much attention was not paid to the problem of divorce, its causes and its harmful effects, nor were any measures devised to prevent its incidence, yet the cases of divorce were few and far between. There is no doubt that the difference between the past and the present is due to the fact that now the causes, which lead to divorce, have increased. The social life has taken such a turn that now there are more chances of the disruption of the family bond, and that is why the efforts of the intellectuals and the public-spirited people have, so far, borne no fruit. Regrettably, the future bodes more danger. The American magazine, ‘Newsweek’ in an interesting article under the heading, ‘Divorce in America’, writes that it is easier in America, to get a divorce than to get a taxi. ‘Newsweek’ further writes that two proverbs about divorce are better known among the American people than any other. One is that â€Å"the hardest conciliation between husband and wife is better than divorce†. It is 400 years old. The other which represents a diametrically opposite view has gained currency during the second-half of the 20th century. It says that â€Å"the second love is more pleasant than the first†. The article shows that the second proverb is more operative in America. The illusion of divorce attracts to itself, not only the newly-wed, but even their mothers, and the couple who were married a long time ago. Since the Second World War onward, on an average, the number of cases of divorce has not been less than 400,000 per annum. Out of the dissolved marriages, 40% had remained intact for 10 years or more and 13% for more than 20 years. The average age of two million women divorces was 45 years. Some 62% of them had children under 18 at the time of the dissolution of their marriages. These women, in fact form a special generation. Though the American woman feels quite free after divorce, yet the divorced, whether young or the middle- aged, are not happy. Their unhappiness can be gauged from the ever-increasing number of women who call on the psychiatrists or have recourse to alcoholism. Out of every four women divorcees, one is an alcoholic. The average cases of suicide among these women are three times more than among women having husbands. In short as soon as a woman comes victorious out of a divorce court she realises that life after divorce is not a bed of roses. The world can hardly have a good opinion of a woman who issolves her marriage, the strongest form of human relationship. Society may respect such a woman and even envy her, but cannot look upon her as a person who entered the life of another and brought about happiness. In the course of this article in Newsweek the question has been raised whether the ever-growing cases of divorce are mostly due to temperamental incompatibility between husband and wife, or some other causes. The writer of the article says that even if incompatibility is accepted to be the cause of separation among the newly-wed couples, how can one explain the cases of those who had been leading a married life for a long time. Taking into consideration the facilities which the American law provides in connection with divorce it may be said that incompatibility is not the reason of separation in the case of a marriage which has lasted out for 10 or 20 years. In the age of contraceptive pills, sexual revolution and improvement in their legal status, many women have come to believe that delight and pleasure are preferable to the stability of married life. You often see that a husband and a wife live together for years, have children, share each others’ joy and grief and then suddenly the wife seeks a divorce, without any palpable change having taken place in the material or conventional position of the husband. The reason is that, till yesterday, the woman was willing to bear the boredom of life, but today she is not inclined to do so. The increase in the cases of divorce is not confined to America. Wherever the modern Western ways have permeated to a considerable degree, the figures of divorce have gone up. Even in the East, divorce is far more common in the modernized big cities than in the small towns and the countryside. A prominent French daily writes that in more than 200 restaurants and cabaret houses in California waitresses work in topless outfits. The topless swimming costume has been recognised as the working-dress in San Francisco and Los Angeles. In the city of New York there are many cinema halls which show only sexy films and the nude pictures of women can be seen displayed in front of their entrances. The names of sexy films are of this kind: â€Å"The men who swap their wives†, â€Å"The girls who are immoral†, ‘The dress which does not hide anything†. ~ the libraries there are very few fiction books which do not bear a nude photo of a woman on their covers. Even the classical books are no exception. Such titles as â€Å"Sexual Behaviour of American Husbands†, â€Å"Sexual Behaviour of a Man of the West†, ‘ Sexual Behaviour of Young Men Below 20†, â€Å"New Sexual Methods Based on the Latest Information†, are very common. The writer of the article in the French daily asks with surprise and apprehension: â€Å"Whither America? † In such an atmosphere, if the American woman has lost her balance and gives preference to pleasure-seeking over faithfulness to her husband and family she is not to blame. It is the social atmosphere which has struck at the very root of the sacred family system. It is surprising that the leaders of our age give, on the one hand, an impetus to the causes of divorce and the disintegration of family life and, on the other, raise a hue and cry that the rate of divorce has gone up so high. This is just like putting a man to sweep a chimney and then asking him not to stain his clothes. 2. 2. 8 Five theories Now let us see whether, in principle, divorce is good or bad. The question is whether it is good to keep the door to divorce wide open, even at the risk of the disintegration of family life? If it is good, there is no harm if the rate of divorce goes up. In case, however it is not advisable, should a total ban be imposed on divorce, and conjugal union be made eternal? The third alternative is that divorce should not be banned legally, for in certain circumstances it is unavoidable, but at the same time society should take every possible action to do away with the causes of friction and separation between the husbands and the wives, and save the children from becoming homeless. Obviously, the law can do nothing if society itself encourages the causes which lead to divorce. If divorce is not to be totally banned, in what form should it be allowed? Who should exercise the right of divorce, should only man or only woman, or both? In the last alternative, should man and woman have the same procedure for severing the bond of marriage, or should each sex have a separate procedure? In all, these are the five theories in respect of divorce: Free divorce without any legal or moral restriction. There are those who look at marriage only from a viewpoint of pleasure-seeking; who attach no sanctity to it; and who do not take into consideration the social value of home and family. They think that the sooner the bonds of marriage are removed and replaced, the more pleasure will be afforded to man and woman. He who says that the second love is more pleasant supports this theory. In this theory not only has the social value of the family been forgotten, but also the delight and satisfaction, which the stability of a conjugal union affords, has been ignored. So, this theory is the most puerile and immature. Marriage is a sacred undertaking. It is a union of hearts and souls which must be kept safe and intact. The word divorce should be expunged from the dictionary of human society. The woman and the man who marry each other should know that, except for death, nothing can separate them. This is the same theory, which for centuries has been advocated by the Catholic Church, and is still being advocated. The supporters of this theory are on the decrease in the world. Now only Italy and the Catholic Spain adhere to it. We often hear that, even in Italy, men and women are raising their voices against this law and efforts are being made that the law of divorce should be officially recognised. Many people are no longer willing to continue to suffer the boredom of their unsuccessful marriages. Some years ago, the Daily Express published an article under the heading, â€Å"Marriage in Italy Means Bondage for Woman†. This article said that, at present, owing to the non-existence of divorce, many people in Italy have to resort to unlawful sexual relations. More than five million Italians believed that their lives were nothing but sin. An Italian daily wrote that the prohibition of divorce had created a big problem for the Italian people. Many of them had renounced their Italian nationality for that very reason. When an Italian agency organised an opinion-poll, 97% of the women replied in the negative to the question whether divorce was repugnant to the religious principles. Still the Church sticks to its view and continues to adduce arguments in support of it. There is no doubt that marriage is a sacred bond and it should be lasting and durable. But it can last only as long as both the spouses co-operate with each other. There are situations when a mutual understanding between a wife and her husband is not possible. In such circumstances the forces of law cannot be used to keep them attached to each other in the name of a conjugal bond. The theory of the Church has been a complete failure. It is not unlikely that the Church itself may be compelled soon to revise its views. Hence, we need not discuss this theory any further. Marriage is dissoluble by man and not by woman. In the ancient world many people held such a view, but now we do not think it has any supporters. So we need not discuss it also. Marriage is a sacred institution and the domestic system is respectable, but the way to divorce, with certain conditions, should be open to both the spouses and the procedure of dissolving a marriage should be the same for both of them. The upholders of similarity of family rights, wrongly called equality of rights between man and woman, support this theory. According to these people the same conditions, the same limits and the same restrictions as exist in the case of woman, should also exist in the case of man and the same ways, to get out of the deadlock, as are open to man should be open to woman also. They reject any other solution, which is unjust and discriminating. No doubt the marriage institution is sacred, the domestic system is respectable, divorce is abominable and it is an essential duty of society to remove the causes which lead to divorce, yet divorce cannot be totally banned and the way out of a deadlock must be kept open to both man and woman. Anyhow, the procedure to be adopted for the dissolution of marriage should be different in their respective cases. Divorce is one of the instances of dissimilar rights of man and woman. This is the theory which represents the Islamic point of view, and the Muslim countries are partially following it. 2. 2. 9 Divorce in Islam In our age divorce has become a world problem as all grumble and complain about it. Those whose laws prohibit divorce totally complain of the non-existence of a way to escape from unsuccessful and unsuitable marriages. On the other hand, those who have opened the door of divorce, equally for both man and woman, complain about the growing rate of divorce and the instability of domestic life, and its harmful effects. Those who have given the right of divorce to men only express their dissatisfaction on two accounts: Firstly, some mean people, after years of married life, unexpectedly divorce their old wives who had spent the best part of their youth with them, simply because they suddenly feel eager to have a new wife. Secondly, some unchivalrous people refuse to divorce a wife, with whom there is absolutely no possibility of a mutual understanding and a continued joint life. It often happens that, for some reasons, the differences between a husband and a wife reach such a stage that no possibility of reconciliation is left, and they practically separate from each other. In such circumstances, the only sensible way is to sever, legally, the relations which have already been practically severed, and to allow both of them to hoose new partners-in-life. But some men, to harass their wives and to deprive them of enjoying a conjugal life, decline to divorce them. They leave the woman, in the words of the Qur’an, â€Å"in a state of hanging†. Such people are far away from the teachings of Islam, though they use the authority of the Islamic law for their improper behavior. Their conduct gives an impression to those who are not acquainted with the depth and the spirit of the teachings of Isla m, that this is the way Islam wants divorce to be. The critics ask sarcastically whether Islam has really allowed men to harass their wives as much as they like, sometimes by divorcing them and sometimes withholding divorce, and at the same time to have the mental satisfaction that they have only used their lawful and legal right. The critics say that such an action constitutes a glaring example of injustice and cruelty. They ask â€Å"If it is true, as the Muslims claim, that the Islamic laws have been organized on the basis of justice and righteousness, what measures have Islam taken to prevent this kind of injustice? † About the cruelty and injustice of such acts there can be no doubt. Islam, as we shall show, has taken cognizance of this situation and has thought of measures to counteract it. The important question is: What is the proper way of preventing this injustice and cruelty? Are the acts of injustice due to any inherent defect in the law of divorce, or should their real cause be looked for somewhere else? Can they be stopped by modifying the law or are some other measures required? Islam has its own view as to the solution of the social problems. Some people think that they can be solved either by framing a new law or by changing the existing one. But Islam realizes that a law has its own limits. It can be effective only within the range of the dry contractual relations. As for the sentimental relations, it alone cannot do much, and we should have recourse to other measures also. As we shall show latter, Islam has fully utilized the force of law as far as it can be effective. It has not failed in this respect. 2. 2. 10 Ignoble divorces First, we take up the present day problem of ignoble divorces. As a matter of principle, Islam is strongly opposed to divorce. It wants that it should not take place as far as practicable. It allows it only as a last resort in the cases where separation is unavoidable. Those who frequently take a new wife and divorce the old one are denounced by Islam as the enemies of Allah. The Holy Prophet said that Allah dislikes and hates the man who regularly changes his wives, and the woman who regularly changes her husbands. Such people are the enemies of Allah. It was reported to the Holy Prophet that Abu Ayyub Ansari had decided to divorce his wife. The Prophet knew the woman personally. He also knew that Abu Ayyub’s decision was not justified. He said: â€Å"Divorcing Umme Ayyub (Abu Ayyub’s wife) is a deadly sin†. The Holy Prophet said that Gabriel had exhorted and counselled him so much in respect of women that he felt that it was not permissible to divorce a woman, except when she was guilty of adultery. Imam Sadiq (P) has reported that the Holy Prophet said: â€Å"There is nothing more pleasing to Allah than the house where a marriage takes place, and nothing is more displeasing to Him than the house where it is severed by divorce† Abu Dawud in his book, ‘Sunan’ has reported the Prophet as having said: â€Å"Allah has not permitted anything more hateful than divorce. In other words, though Allah has permitted divorce, He dislikes it the most. The great religious leaders (Imams) have abstained from divorcing, as far as possible. In their lives the cases of divorce were extremely rare. They resorted to such an action only when they had very solid grounds for it. For instance, Imam Baqir (P) married a woman. She became his favourite, but on one occasion he noticed that the woman was inimical to Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib and cherished malice against him in her heart. He had to divorce her. In reply to the question as to why he had divorced her when he liked her so much, the Imam said that he did not want to have a piece of the fire of Hell by his side. 2. 2. 11 Natural laws in respect of marriage and divorce In a civil society the only natural law is the law of liberty and equality, on the basis of which all social rules should be framed. But in respect of a conjugal contract, besides the general principles of liberty and equality, nature has prescribed certain other laws also, which must be adhered to in the case of marriage, dower, maintenance and the last stage of the process, that is divorce. It is of no use to bypass nature. As Alexis Carrel has pointed out, the biological and other laws of life are as hard, ruthless and irresistible as the astronomical laws. 2. 3. 1 Marriage means attachment and union, and divorce means separation. Nature has designed the law of marriage in such a way that man acts with a view to appropriate woman, and woman withdraws with a view to fascinate and mislead man. Man wants to take possession of the body of woman and woman wants to captivate the heart of man. The foundation of marriage is laid on love, union and fellow-feeling, and not on mere co-operation and companionship. In the family structure, the fair sex occupies the central position, and her opposite sex the peripheral one. From all this it automatically follows that nature must have had special rules for the dissolution of family life also. We have quoted earlier an intellectual as saying that mate-seeking means an attack on the part of man for the purpose of appropriation and a withdrawal on the part of woman for the purpose of enchantment and deception. Man being instinctively a hunting animal, his action is offensive and for him woman is a trophy which he must win. Mate-seeking is a battle and a struggle and marriage is appropriation and domination. A contract which is based on love and the feeling of oneness is not enforceable by compulsion. The law can compel two people to respect their contract on the basis of equality, and to co-operate with each other, but it cannot force them to love each other, to be sincere to each other, to make sacrifices for the sake of each other and to share each other’s happiness. If we want to maintain such a relationship between two people we have to adopt some measures other than legal. According to the natural mechanism of marriage, on which Islamic laws are based, a wife occupies the position of a person deserving love and respect in the family order. If, for some reason, she loses that position and is deprived of the love and attention of her husband, the base of the family structure falls off and the natural order is deranged. Islam looks at such a situation with regret, but it cannot assume marriage to be alive and constant even after the disintegration of its natural basis. Islam has taken special steps to ensure that the family life retains its natural form, which means that the wife should be loved and sought after, and the husband should feel attached to her and be ready to serve her. Islam has urged woman to beautify herself to please her husband, to give a display of her accomplishments for his sake, to satiate his natural desires and not to annoy him by disobedience. It has also exhorted man to love his wife, to show kindness and attachment to her, and not to conceal from her his love for her. These steps have been taken to make the sexual enjoyment limited to the domestic atmosphere, and to keep the wider society a field of work and activities other than sexual. Islam wants that extra-marital feedbacks between man and woman should be pure and unpolluted. All these steps have been taken with a view to keeping the family organisation free from the danger of dissolution and disintegration. 3. 0 Natural position of man in the domestic life From the Islamic point of view, it is extremely insulting to a woman that the law should force her to live with a husband who does not like her. The law can force a woman to live with a particular man, but it cannot secure for her the position of a beloved and central figure in the household, which she should have. The law can force a man to support his wife, but it cannot force him to be a devoted husband. Hence, when man’s love and attachment cools down the marriage becomes ineffective from the natural point of view. Here another question arises. If the wife’s love cools down, will the domestic life be affected? Will it continue as it is or will it come to an end? If it will remain intact, then how is it that the lack of love, on the part of the husband, terminates the domestic life and on the part of the wife it does not? Is there any difference between man and woman? If the lack of love on the part of the wife also terminates the domestic life, then naturally women should also have the right of divorce like men. In fact, the success of the domestic life depends on the mutual attachment of both the husband and the wife. But as we mentioned earlier, there is a difference between the mentality of man and that of woman. We have already quoted the views of the scientists on this point. Nature has so arranged that woman’s true and lasting love comes up only as a reaction of man’s attachment to her. Hence, woman’s attachment to man is the result of man’s attachment to her. Nature has placed the key of their mutual love within the control of man. If man loves woman and is faithful to her, woman also loves him and remains faithful to him. Woman’s faithlessness is definitely a reaction of man’s faithlessness. Nature has put the dissolution of marriage in the hands of man. It is man’s apathy and faithlessness that cools down woman’s love. On the other hand, woman’s indifference and apathy does not affect man. Hence man’s indifference to woman unlike the latter’s indifference to him leads to woman’s in-difference. Man’s frigidity is the end of conjugal life, but woman’s is not so. If man is sensible and faithful, he can always regain his wife’s love by showing affection and kindness to her. It is not insulting to him to compel his annoyed sweetheart by force of law, to continue to live with him, and to pacify her gradually. But it is unbearable for a wife to resort to the force of law to retain her protector and the object of her love. Of course, this is the case when woman’s indifference is not due to the immorality or cruelty of man. If man shows cruelty, the case is different. He cannot be allowed to misuse his position and to harass or ill-treat his wife. We shall discuss this point separately. Anyway man is in need of the body of woman and woman is in need of the heart of man. That is the difference between the two. Marriage is unbearable for woman if she does not enjoy her husband’s genuine protection and sincere love. . 1 Views of a lady psychologist Recently an article has been published by a French lady psychologist, Beatrice Maryo, who holds a doctorate in psycho-logy and works as a psychiatrist in a hospital of Paris. She herself is a mother of three children. In this article she has explained very well how a pregnant or a nursing woman needs the kindness and affection of her hu sband. She says: â€Å"From the time a woman feels that she is going to be a mother soon, she begins to search her body. She repeatedly looks at it and smells it, especially if she is expecting her first child. She feels so inquisitive as if she were a stranger to herself and wants to discover herself for the first time. When she feels the first movements of her tiny little child in her womb, she begins to listen attentively to every sound of her body. The presence of another being in her body makes her so happy that she feels inclined to seclusion and retirement. She wants to be alone with her tiny little child, who has not yet come into this world â€Å"Men, during the period of the pregnancy of their wives, have important duties to perform, but very regretfully they often shirk their responsibility. The future mother is in need of the feeling that her husband understands her, likes her, and protects her. Otherwise, when she finds that her belly has swollen up; her attractiveness has gone, the morning sickness has commenced, and she is afraid of childbirth pains, she would blame her husband, who had impregnated her, for all her troubles and discomforts. It is the duty of the husband to keep himself, more than ever, at the side of his wife during the months of her pregnancy. The whole family requires a kind and considerate father to whom the wife and the children may talk of their problems, their griefs and their joys. Even if their talk be meaningless or boring, it is still important. † â€Å"A pregnant woman very much wants others to talk to her of her child. A woman takes all the pride in becoming a mother. But when she finds that her husband is indifferent to the child, her sense of pride turns into a sense of contempt. She becomes sick of motherhood and pregnancy, and it becomes a sort of mortification to her. It is known that such women suffer a great deal on account of child-birth pangs The relation between mother and child is not a bilateral one. It is a trilateral relation: mother, child, and father. Even if the father is not present (as in the case of divorce), he has an important role in the internal life of the mother, that is in her thoughts and imagination, as well as in her sense of motherhood . This is what a lady intellectual, who is both a psychologist and a mother, has said. 3. 2 A structure built on the basis of sentiments A woman depends so much on the sincerity, kindness and protection of her husband that without his earnest co-operation even a child has little sense for her. She can endure the hardships of life only with his help. In such circumstances, how can it be possible to compel her, by the force of law, to remain attached to a man who is not willing to accept her? Is it not ironical that, on the one hand, we create an atmosphere in which men pay little attention to their wives and sow their wild oats elsewhere and, on the other, we try to thrust their wives on them by the force of law? As a matter of policy, Islam wants that man himself should seek a woman and should like her. It does not want to thrust a woman on him. As a general rule, where there is a question of love, devotion and sincerity, there can be no question of legal compulsion. If a husband dislikes his wife, it may be a matter of regret, but no force can be used to make him like her. Let us give an example. As we know, in the congregational prayers there is a condition that the leader of the prayers can be only that person who is pious and in whose piety the followers have faith. In this case, the relationship between the leader and the followers is based on the piety of the former, and the faith and devotion of the latter. If the body of the followers loses faith in a particular leader, whether rightly or wrongly, this relationship is severed. The law cannot guarantee its continuity. As it is a matter of feelings and sentiments, nobody can be compelled legally to have faith in a particular person. Even if a leader of the prayers possesses the highest degree of piety and virtue, he cannot compel others to offer prayers behind him. It will be highly ridiculous to file a suit in a court of law in this respect. It is even derogatory to the position of the leader of the congregational prayers to try to force people to offer prayers behind him. The same is the case with the relationship between the voters and the candidate for election. The people will vote for a candidate in whom they have confidence. If they do not elect a particular candidate, howsoever fit and suitable he may be, he cannot sue them. The only thing which should be done in such cases is to train the people on the correct lines and to raise their intellectual level, so that when they perform their religious duty, they may find out the really righteous people to follow and, when they perform their social duty, they may select the really deserving people to vote for. If, by chance, the people change their opinion subsequently without any rhyme or reason, that can only be a matter of regret, but there can he no question of compulsion or legal action in the matter. The domestic duty is exactly like the above-mentioned religious and social duties. Islam regards the family as a natural society, for the smooth running of which it has prescribed a particular procedure to be followed strictly. It is the greatest achievement of Islam that it has prescribed this procedure, for the West has not so far been able to solve its family problems. Not only that, but problems are multiplying and new problems are being added daily to the old ones. Fortunately, as the result of scientific investigations, the position is gradually becoming clear. We are fully convinced that the Western world will gradually accept the Islamic principles and precepts regarding the family laws. Anyhow, we do not believe that the real Islamic teachings are identical with what is being practised today as such. 4. 0 The Impact of Divorce on Children Until recently it had been assumed that divorce causes severe emotional trauma in children and symptoms of maladjustment are sometimes evident in both parents and children. The divorce has some profound effects on children and the long term effects show that they suffer psychologically and have social difficulties for years from continued or new stresses linked to the separation and divorce of their parents. She also said that children of divorce are anxious about being able to form lasting relationships themselves as young adults. Divorce has a serious effect on children. Children have some of the same feelings as victims of a natural disaster may experience, such as loss, grief, and vulnerability to forces that they can not control. Pre-school children are affected more severely in the absence of the father but these negative effects can be reversed by an emotionally stable mother who gives reinforcement in the appropriate sex-type behavior to the child. Young children may be too immature to integrate the intensity of the stress of parental loss. The older children may be apt to experience more stress and conflicts from divorce because of the undiluted aggression of the parent. Egocentric pre-schoolers, who see and understand things only in relation to themselves, assume themselves to be the cause of parental distress and interpret the separation as punishment†. According to a ten year study of twenty-one children between two and a half and six years old, now between 12 and nearly 18, a significant number of children felt that they were deprived of the nurture of a more protected life that they saw and wished for in intact families even though these children had experienced divorce first hand for two-thirds of their lives. School children can cope with separation better than pre-schoolers, even though intense pain, loneliness, and a feeling of deprivation is present, because young children can only think of the departure of one parent which is usually the father. Children think one parent is responsible, become angry with both parents, and show distressing behavior to one parent. She also said that not only the separation and divorce causes difficulty for school-age children, but also their move to new neighborhoods, schools, and being put in new environments causes a decline in school performance because they are not focused on learning but are always wishing for their parents to reunite. 4. 1 Adjustment of Boys and Girls Children of divorced mothers, especially boys, tend to harass their mothers, nagging and whining, in the first year, and are more disobedient and neglectful toward her than children of intact families. The boys have more behavior problems than girls after the divorce. The more boys than girls in single-parent families and that few boys stayed with their fathers while more girls stayed with their mothers. His studies revealed that difficulties arise in the development of children regardless of their sex in the absence of fathers. Boys tend to have more difficulty adjusting to divorce than girls, because boys are less likely to have role models than girls for learning gender related behavior resulting in limited social skills. He added that these limited social skills may be why it is more difficult for boys to adjust, while there were indications that adolescent girls of stepparents had higher incidences of aggression, sexual behavior, drug involvement, and school difficulties than girls of intact families. The courts seem to assume that fathers appear to perform better raising boys yet the numbers of boys and girls are equally divided and most single parent families have two children. Father is willing to cook, sew, wash clothes, clean and tend to minor cuts and bruises, fevers, colds, and rashes in order to preserve a family structure. They continued to explain that one father and his daughters, before and after the divorce, built rockets, electric motors, doll houses, baked bread and sewed dresses, played touch football and softball, wrote and staged plays, and, without much success, he tried to teach his daughters how to fish. . 2 Positive Effects of Divorce on Children: There could be positive benefits for the child after divorce, if the child is freed from a violent atmosphere present when the parents were together. There are some positive outcomes of divorce to be reported as well. The few positive outcomes are an increase in maturity and independence, as well as the increased co mmitment to maintaining relationships. She noted that studies have shown that post-divorce families and single parent or reconstructed families can be successful in improving the quality of life or both adults and children by reducing an environment of conflict. After being removed from a disturbing parent the children prefer the time after the divorce to the time within the intact family before the divorce, because they said that it is a relief to have no more fighting. The space provided by the separation of the parents enables the older adolescents to develop an emotional detachment from the family and to begin the normal development tasks for an adolescent which is individualization. There is a time of emotional divorce during the period preceding the divorce. Divorce is a preferred alternative to an unhappy marriage children can grow healthy in many types of situations if the three following conditions are met: first, the basic needs for the children must be met, such as, love and physical care, understanding, discipline and safety; second, the children need a sense of belonging or being able to say, this is my own family where I am an important and special person; and finally, they also need role models of both sexes in their lives to help them determine their proper male or female roles. 4. Negative Effect of divorce on Child: Children without biological fathers in the home are roughly three times more likely to commit a crime that leads to incarceration than are children from intact families. Higher divorce rates in a society lead to higher suicide rates among children. Children of divorce demonstrate an earlier loss of virginity, more cohabitation, higher expectations of divorce, higher divorce rates later in life, and less desire to have children. These effects on future family life perpetuate the downward spiral of family breakdown. Children of divorced parents are significantly more likely to become delinquent by age 15, regardless of when the divorce took place, than are children whose own parents are married. When parents divorce, most children suffer. For some, this suffering turns into long-lasting psychological damage. Neglect of children, which can be psychologically more damaging than physical abuse, is twice as high among separated and divorced parents. 5. 0 Findings Levels of Divorce: The divorce rate is found to be inversely related to duration of marriage. This has also been found elsewhere. The least satisfactory marriages end in divorce first thereby reducing the proportion of the high-risk marriages among the surviving unions. When newly wed partners discover that they are incompatible whatever the cause is, they opt for divorce rather early in the marriage. In rural Bangladesh, marriage makes the bride live in the husband’s home and with in-laws. The in-laws and relatives expect her to adjust to her new situation and demand a lot from her. Her failure to adjust to in-laws and to satisfy them can cause marital discord and the result of which is ill-treatment to her by her husband or in-laws leading to divorce. Polygyny and Divorce: Polygyny is a special feature of Muslim society and is allowed on condition of the husband’s equal treatment of all his wives. Infertility, particularly inability to give birth of a male child and chronic illness of the wife are two main reasons which enhance the divorce risk. They can lead either to a marriage of the husband to a second wife (and becoming a polygynous marriage) or to a divorce of the previous wife followed by another marriage. In Teknaf, 17 per cent of the current marriages were polygynous as opposed to five per cent in Matlab. Of the polygynous men, 26 per cent were in their twenties, and 40 per cent in their thirties. The high incidence of polygyny at younger ages of husbands is much more due to widely accepted norms and values held by men in this community than to wives’ infertility or chronic illness Polygynous marriages were found to be divorce-prone; the odds of divorce were 2. 5 times higher for polygynous unions than for monogamous unions other things being equal. A marriage in which the husband already had one or more than one wife faces more complex adjustment problems than a marriage with a man having no other wife. Moreover, polygynous men have less to lose from divorcing one of the wives. They also tend to have a lower commitment to marriage as an institution and can more easily disregard the stigma of divorce and remarriage. High tensions among co-wives and deeply ingrained attitudes of polygynous men towards women and marriage in general may raise the divorce rate. What remains unknown is whether the high risk of divorce of polygynous marriages is caused by complex adjustment between co-wives or by attitudes of polygynous men to women and marriage as institution. Future studies should attempt to deal with this issue. In Nigeria, it has been found that polygynous unions with two wives were the most stable whereas unions with three or more wives were associated with the highest rate of disruption [Brandon 1991]. In our study population, unions with three or more wives simultaneously exhibited higher divorce rate, but occurred less frequently than unions with two wives. Spouses’ History of Marital Disruption: Spouses who already experienced a divorce in their earlier marriage probably faced substantial adjustment problems with which they were unable to cope. We hypothesize that remarriages exposed them to the same problems and for this reason they remain vulnerable to divorce. While expecting high risks of divorce of remarriages, one must take into account that in rural Bangladesh women are aware of the lower prospects of remarriage for them than for men and this may force women to compromise to keep the marriage intact. Reconciliation is more likely for wives than husbands since the cost of divorce is higher for women and alternatives are hardly available (women are economically and socially dependent). One of the underlying causes for this is undoubtedly the unequal position of women compared to men in Bangladesh society. Our data exhibit a gender difference in the risk of divorce of remarriages. While grooms who remarried after a divorce or after becoming a widower did not have a higher risk of divorce than grooms who married for the first time, brides who remarried (after divorce or becoming a widow) had a higher risk of divorce than brides who married for the first time. The difference in divorce propensity between previously divorced brides and grooms may have several explanations. An important one is related to the weaker position of the wife in the husband’s family. She is blamed for every trivial fault; for such faults her husband is less likely to be blamed. Too much blame expressed too frequently puts her marriage in discord leading towards divorce. Of the brides who were divorced before, 42 per cent were still in their teens. Their inability to live up to the expectations of their husbands and in-laws may have brought marital discord leading eventually to divorce as a solution to marital unhappiness. Another possibility is that the presence of children from a previous marriage may make her stay more problematic than that of her peers who had married for the first time. Higher instability of remarriages of women than men may be explained by men’s abuse of the right to divorce and women’s powerless. Age at Marriage: The groom’s age at marriage was inversely related to the risk of divorce. Young grooms tended to marry young brides. Many grooms were perhaps too young to be able to carry the heavy load of responsibilities involved in marital life. Divorce is likely to be more common among couples who are poorly prepared to undertake such responsibilities. This finding is consistent with the common explanation that young age at marriage may be associated with poor role performance as a spouse. Groom’s Education and Household Socioeconomic Status: Higher levels of education of grooms were associated with lower odds of divorce in the first year of marital life. Literacy in Teknaf was very low (14 per cent of grooms had one to two years of schooling) and nearly all brides were illiterate. The odds of divorce were higher if grooms came from households with fewer assets. Marital life may have raised tensions and caused unhappiness. Moreover, it could be that poor grooms were less tolerant and respectful to their wives (and vice versa) than rich grooms. Inverse relationships of education and socioeconomic status with divorce have also been reported in other studies conducted in Bangladesh. Infertility and Divorce: In rural Bangladesh, child bearing soon after marriage is desired. Contraceptive use before first birth is in general very low and was in the study population even lower than the national average derived from the Demographic and Health survey conducted in 1993/1994. The birth of a child after marriage may signify a degree of spousal satisfaction that is conducive to marital stability. Our analysis reveals that the odds of divorce were much lower if women had a live birth in the proceeding six-months than if women had not had a birth. The birth of a child helps to keep couples together at least until they are older. 6. 0 Bibliography www. google. com www. webbangladesh. com www. newnation. com www. marrigemakers. com do u think that there is any impact on the children if they are divorced. What type of problem please specify. Have u faced any legal problem while getting divorced.